"L'anno scorso ho scoperto la Finlandia; ho cominciato quest'anno scoprendo Firenze. Dopo tutto, è una questione di ordine alfabetico. Tutto ciò ben si addice alla mia nevrosi, che unisce ambizioni enciclopediche e manie rigorosamente metodiche. Prima della Giamaica dovrebbe venire la Francia" Giorgio Manganelli.
Le immagini e i commenti che qui si trovano non seguono un progetto o uno schema. Le immagini sono tratte da internet e funzionano da mere suggestioni. Ogni eventuale violazione di copyright è casuale e me ne scuso in anticipo.

domenica 18 agosto 2019

Tradition and convention.

Tradition is living and active, but convention is passive and dead. Tradition does not form us automatically: we have to work to understand it. Convention is accepted passively, as a matter of routine. Therefore, convention easily becomes an evasion of reality. It offers us only pretended ways of solving the problems of living - a system of gestures and formalities.
Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island.

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

Dear Sig. Vossilla,

My apologies for commenting on your blog, but I have been unable to locate your contact details other than the gif@gonzaga.

I write on bealf of the the editor of a new magazine on the Italian arts called Il Libro. We aim to help our readers rediscover the Italian aesthetic and its influences across genres and continents. Our first volume launched last month. I would be happy to send you a copy if you would kindly share your mailing address.

For volume two of Il Libro, we are hoping to include a feature on Guiseppe Castiglione. Your name came to the editor's attention in my initial research, and she thought you might be interested in contributing. We are not expecting anything scholarly or footnoted, more as an introduction to our readers.

We would be pleased to discuss a fee for your writing, and we would need the final text and any image requirements by the end of the year, with volume two coming out sometime in the Spring of 2020.

Would you kindly contact me at kory@carolynminer.com to discuss further?

WIth many thanks and best regards,
Kory Trolio